Deception in Online Learning During the Pandemic of Covid-19 in Indonesia


  • Agustinus Rustanta STIKS Tarakanita
  • Desy Misnawati



Deception, Computer-mediated communication, Distance learning


Computer-mediated communication on distance learning brings various effects on thelecturers and the higher-education students. Distance learning has been performed on campusesin Indonesia since the pandemic of Covid-19. This research aims to describe the students’deception via computer-mediated communication. Interpersonal deception and computer-mediated communication theories are chosen to analyze this deception phenomenon. Data were collected through questionnaires and distributed to students in Jakarta as the red zone of the pandemic ofCovid-19. The findings show the students tended to manipulate information before they deliver it tothe audience and to hide their identity or presence during the virtual classroom.

Author Biography

Agustinus Rustanta, STIKS Tarakanita



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2021-12-14 — Updated on 2022-11-03


How to Cite

Rustanta, A., & Misnawati, D. (2022). Deception in Online Learning During the Pandemic of Covid-19 in Indonesia. Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI, 18(2), 253–276. (Original work published December 14, 2021)



Research-based Article