
  • NKA Agustini Universitas Warmadewa
  • Andreas Triwiyono Universitas Gadjah Mada



Type of fireproofing, thickness of fireproofing, temperatures, deflection, yield stress


Protection against fire is important to maintain the strength of the structure. Fireproofing can be used as an anticipation to reduce the spread of the fire. Evaluation the effect of fire on structural elements is generally performed by a numerical approach. Analysis of simple beam IWF 150x75x5x7 with 3,5 span length using varied fireproofing such as CAFCO 300, Carboline Type 5 MD and Typo WR-AFD was conducted with Abaqus CAE 6.11-1. Nonlinear material properties of steel based on Eurocode 3 while thermal properties of fireproofing are constant. Thickness variation of fireproofing are 10 and 20 mm. Pressure load was carried on the top flange of steel beam. ASTM E-119 used as a thermal load by conduction on 3 sides (left, right and bottom) with duration of 2 hours.  The results showed that type and thickness variation of the fireproofing has a significant effect on the fire resistance of steel beams. The highest temperatures occur when steel coated by Typo WR-AFP and the lower temperatures occur when steel coated by CAFCO 300. Maximum deflection of steel beam occurred when steel coated by Typo WR-AFD. Steel beam with Typo WR-AFD experiencing a critical deflection with the fastest time of 4.80 minutes at 10 mm thick and 9.10 min at 20 mm thick. Steel beam with 10 mm thick of fireproofing achieve yield stress when the time 14.03, 8.86 and 5, 12 minutes for fireproofing CAFCO 300, Carboline Type 5 MD and Typo-AFD WR. Steel beam with 20 mm thick of fireproofing  experiencing yield stress only on Typo WR-AFD at 10.22 minutes.


Abstrak : Perlindungan terhadap api (kebakaran) merupakan hal penting untuk mempertahankan kekuatan struktur sehingga masih dapat menahan beban rencana. Lapisan fireproofing pabrikasi dapat digunakan sebagai antisipasi untuk mengurangi rambatan panas akibat kebakaran. Evaluasi pengaruh kebakaran pada elemen struktur umumnya dilakukan dengan pendekatan numerik. Analisis pengaruh ketebalan dan sifat termal fireproofing jenis spray applied materials bervariasi yaitu CAFCO 300, Carboline Type 5MD dan Typo WR-AFD terhadap ketahanan api balok sederhana IWF 150x75x5x7 menggunakan Abaqus CAE 6.11. Material baja bersifat non linier sesuai Eurocode 3 sedangkan sifat termal fireproofing bersifat konstan. Variasi ketebalan lapisan digunakan 10 dan 20 mm. Beban tekan (pressure loads) dikerjakan di sayap atas balok. Beban termal menggunakan standar api ASTM E-119 secara konduksi di 3 sisi (samping kiri, kanan dan bawah) dengan durasi 2 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variasi jenis dan ketebalan fireproofing memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap ketahanan api balok baja. Suhu baja tertinggi terjadi saat baja dilapisi fireproofing jenis TYPO WR-AFP dan terendah saat dilapisi fireproofing CAFCO 300. Baja dengan lapisan fireproofing TYPO menghasilkan lendutan paling besar dibanding baja dengan lapisan fireproofing lainnya Baja dengan lapisan fireproofing Typo WR-AFD mengalami lendutan kritis dengan waktu tercepat yakni 4,80 menit saat tebal 10 mm dan 9,10 menit tebal 20 mm Baja dengan lapisan fireproofing 10 mm mencapai tegangan leleh saat waktu 14,03 , 8,86 dan 5, 12 menit untuk fireproofing CAFCO 300, Carboline Type 5 MD dan Typo WR-AFD. Baja dengan tebal fireproofing 20 mm mengalami tegangan leleh hanya pada jenis Typo WR-AFD saat 10,22 menit

Kata kunci :jenis fireproofing,  tebal fireproofing, temperatur, lendutan, tegangan.


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