
  • Adha Bangkit Nurseto Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta
  • Hestin Mulyandari Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta




daya tarik obyek, simbiosis arsitektur, tepian air, wisata kuliner, sense of place, architectural symbiosis, waterfront, culinary tourism


Abstract: Kota Magelang memiliki beragam destinasi wisata yang tersebar dengan berbagai daya tarik wisatanya yang cukup tinggi, namun perlu adanya destinasi wisata baru yang atraktif dan secara umum potensi dan peluang pengembangan wisata di Kota Magelang sangat besar guna mendorong Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD). Inventarisasi dan penggalian berbagai potensi, dengan memiliki berbagai keunikan dan daya tarik, meningkatnya promosi, informasi dan pemasaran pariwisata, menyelenggarakan berbagai event yang dapat menarik wisatawan serta mengembangkan berbagai fasilitas kepariwisataan menjadi daya tarik obyek. Perancangan wisata kuliner yang berlokasi di kawasan Soekarno Hatta Kota Magelang dipadukan oleh berbagai fungsi kegiatan rekreasi lain saling memberikan kontribusi positif bagi aktivitas didalamnya. Tahap perancangan melalui tahapan survey lapangan untuk mengetahui kondisi, potensi, dan lingkungan sekitarnya untuk mendapatkan bahan acuan dalam proses merancang, serta melalui komparasi studi pustaka dan studi banding guna memberikan rancangan yang optimal. Perancangan wisata kuliner di kawasan Soekarno Hatta Kota Magelang ini menggunakan pendekatan simbiosis arsitektur, simbiosis dalam arsitektur sebagai tema perancangan digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua tempat yang berbeda fungsi dan kegiatan yang berbeda menjadi sesuatu yang baru dan memiliki dampak simbiosis positif bagi kedua belah pihak dan mencapai prospek dan fisibilitas yang diharapkan.

Kata kunci: daya tarik obyek; simbiosis arsitektur; tepian air; wisata kuliner.

Title: Sense of Place in The Culinary Center of River Elo Riverfront Magelang City With The Architecture Symbiosis Approach.

Abstract: The City of Magelang has a variety of tourist destinations, spread with a variety of quite-high tourist attractions. However, a new attractive tourist destination and common potential and opportunities for tourism development in this very large city of Magelang, to encourage the Regional Original Income (PAD) in the tourism sector. Inventory and development of various potentials, that have uniqueness and sense of place, improving promotion, tourism information and marketing, organizing various events that can attract tourists to come, and by developing various supporting facilities for tourism, it is expected to be an attraction for tourists to visit Magelang. Therefore, the culinary tourism design located in the Soekarno Hatta Area of Magelang City, combined with various other recreational activities that contribute positively to the activities inside. The design was used through the stages of a field survey that was useful for knowing the conditions, potential, and the surrounding environment, which later served to obtain analysis and reference materials in the design process, as well as through comparative literature studies and comparative studies to provide optimal and appropriate designs later. The design of the culinary tour planned in the Soekarno Hatta Area of Magelang City used the architectural symbiosis approach, that is the symbiosis in architecture as a design theme used to combine two different places of different functions and activities into something new, and have the impact of a positive symbiosis that is good for both parties, and can reach the prospect and expected feasibility later.

 Keywords: sense of place; architectural symbiosis; waterfront; culinary tourism.



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