An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis in the Selection of the Best Response for the Drilling of Carbon Fiber-reinforced Plastic Composites


  • Wasiu Oyediran Adedeji Osun State University, Nigeria
  • Salome Ifeoluwa Odusoro University of Lagos, Nigeria
  • Kasali Aderinmoye Adedeji Lagos State University, Nigeria
  • John Rajan Vellore Institute of Technology, India
  • Sunday Ayoola Oke University of Lagos, Nigeria
  • Elkanah Olaosebikan Oyetunji Lagos State University, Nigeria
  • Ugochukwu Sixtus Nwankiti University of Lagos, Nigeria



data envelopment analysis, CFRP composite, defect reduction, efficiency, drilling operation


In the drilling operation, defects such as delamination at exit and entry are very disturbing responses that impact the efficiency of the drilling process. Without control, an exponential growth in the amount of drilled components with defect quantities may result. Thus, the process engineer has input in attaining the desired production levels for components in the drilling process. Consequently, this article deploys a novel method of data envelopment analysis to evaluate the relative efficiency of the drilling process in reducing the defects possible in the producing components from the CFRP composites. The high-speed steel drill bits were utilized to process the CFPs, while the responses considered are the entry and exit determination, thrust force, and torque, among others. Literature experimental data in twenty-seven experimental counts were summarized into fewer groups and processed through the data envelopment analysis method. The results show that capturing the CFRP composite responses is feasible, providing an opportunity for enhanced efficiency and a situation where undesirable defects in the CFRP composite production process may be eradicated. The article’s uniqueness and primary value are in being the foremost article in offering an updated vast representation of the comparative efficiency of CFRP composite parameters within the literature for the composite area. The work adds value to the CFRP composite literature by envisaging and understanding the comparative efficiency for the parameters, identifying and separating the best from the worst decision-making unit. It also reveals how the parameters are linked by their relative placements. The article's novelty is that using data envelopment to compare the efficiency in reducing drilling defects such as entry and exit determination, among others. The method’s utility is to provide information for cost-effective drilling operations during the planning and control phases of the operation.


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How to Cite

Adedeji, W. O., Odusoro, S. I. ., Adedeji, K. A., Rajan, J., Oke, S. A., Oyetunji, E. O., & Nwankiti, U. S. . (2023). An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis in the Selection of the Best Response for the Drilling of Carbon Fiber-reinforced Plastic Composites. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 5(1), 1–14.


