Proposed Modified Clarke-Wright Saving Algorithm for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem


  • A.K. Pamosoaji Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
  • P.K. Dewa Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
  • J.V. Krisnanta Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta



Clarke-Wright saving matrix, capacitated vehicle routing problem, optimization, traveling time.


A multi-objective distribution routing algorithm by using modified Clarke and Wright Saving algorithm is presented. The problem to solve is to deliver loads to a number of outlets based load requirement. The objective function to minimize is the distance saving and traveling time of the resulted route started from depot to the outlets and return to the original depot. Problem to solve is generating a distribution route in a week considering traffic condition for each day. The original Clarke and Wright saving algorithm is modified such that the resulted routes (from a depot to some outlets) accommodates some constraints such as the maximum allowable traveling time, maximum number of delivery shifts, and maximum number of vehicles. The algorithm is applied to a distributor company with nine outlets, two vehicles, and two delivery shifts. In addition, the traffic condition on the outlet-to-outlet and the depot-to-outlet routes is considered. The simulation of the proposed algorithm shows that the algorithm can generate routes that comply with shift’s maximum delivery time and the vehicles’ capacities.



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How to Cite

Pamosoaji, A., Dewa, P., & Krisnanta, J. (2019). Proposed Modified Clarke-Wright Saving Algorithm for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 1(1), 9–16.


